American Road Trip

It seems like every road trip has its own personality filled with unique findings and activities. Of course photography is always the main focus of these trips, but there are also auxiliary goals that I try to squeeze in as well. Ranching, fly fishing, friends, and hunting are just a few of the things that happened in the squiggly red lines on the map. So far it seems like the results are good in the photography category and a hell of a lot of good times were had along the way. Excited to share more the miles soon.

Traditional Barbershops

Small Town Barbershops

Photographs of American Culture

Hard to believe this project has been going on for 10 years now. You’d think after publishing a couple books on the subject, the desire to photograph barbershops would go away. Apparently not. What a journey it’s been and continues to be. Here are a few made over the past 6 months or so. The first shot of the Commercial Barbershop in Elko is actually a shop I photographed 8 or 9 years ago when it was in full swing. Unfortunately, it is no more. Sad, but that is exactly why I started this project.

Click here to pick up a copy of Barbershops of America.

American Motels

Road Trip Photography - American Culture

American Motels - Open Road - Americana

Another one of those subjects I can’t seem to stay away from - American Motels. Maybe it’s the nostalgia or all the time I’ve personally spent in them? Not sure. Said this in a recent post, but it was shocking to see how many of these old places had shut down during a trip out to Texas a few weeks ago. What a shame.

Click here to see more from this series.

On The Road Again

Winters are typically when I spend the most time on the road to get as much snowboarding in as possible. This has been a very dry year for snow but that hasn’t kept the miles off at all. The better part of the last 30 days was on the road for two different trips filled with a weekend getaway to Tahoe for Emily and I, a commercial shoot, two editorial shoots, personal shooting (of course), and a “ski” trip with old friends in Sun Valley, Idaho that turned into a fly fishing trip due to the severe lack of snow. More on all this later.

Click HERE to see some of my road trip photography

American Road Trip

As has become standard, the miles are piling up this season even with it be an extremely dry winter around the western states. Really unfortunate for the ski industry. I’m sure Vail is doing ok though!!??

Seems repetitive to say that this “last” road trip was great, memorable, productive, etc. etc. etc., but reporting otherwise would be a lie. Time on the road really is a special adventure that should never be taken for granted, nor should it ever be rushed. Grateful not just for the time spent in Montana, but also for the two stories I worked on and will be sharing more of soon. After Montana it was south to Colorado for a hut trip in the Gore Range which was truly unforgettable. The longer I snowboard the less desire and patience I have to ride at a resort. Being in the backcountry is always rewarding, but being in a hut with good friends miles and miles away from everything else is in a whole different category.

Images coming soon.

American Road

Despite the pandemic I’ve still been able to spend a solid amount of time on the road over this past year. Especially since August, making several trips out to Colorado, then the last one out to Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. Very grateful for that. During the meat of the lockdown cabin fever definitely became a thing, at which point I realized it was the longest stretch of time I had spent in San Diego since moving here back in whatever year that was. 2008-ish? That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but there also isn’t a ton here to scratch my many itches. If anything it reaffirmed how much I value time on the road. It’s really special being out there. Last November I made this image outside of Moab, Utah. A place I’d highly recommend to anyone who has never been and wants to feel like you’re on another planet. Like almost every halfway decent image of mine, it took walking away for a while to realize what it was. Once it really sunk in though I became very proud of it. 6 months ago I wouldn’t have had the eye or ability to create an image like this. It tells me that I’m not only advancing as a photographer, but also that my style is changing a bit. Without a doubt my best fine art photograph of 2020.

Click here to see more of my America series.

Happy New Year

People started writing off 2020 back around July or August and you can’t blame them for that. It’s been a shit show of a year filled with plenty to complain about. Where does that get you though? I’m certainly not impervious to complaining. I do plenty of it and am trying to be better in that category. 2020 beat up on me just as much as it did anyone else, but I made a conscious effort to be as positive as possible about making the best of a shitty situation. This last year was the slowest I’ve ever been commercially. Anything that was on the table got taken off because of COVID. Still though, there is plenty to be thankful for. Aside from the obvious things like health, family, and friends, I’m quite proud of the fact that I put out 2 books last year. Most photographers go their whole career without publishing once. Why, I’m not sure? And this isn’t me gloating in any way at all. I’m really proud of the books, but there’s also a million things I would change about both of them. At a certain point though, you have to let go. Mistakes are inevitable. You do your best to catch them beforehand, but once it’s printed, it’s there forever. You just have to move on and be happy with the fact that you put something out into the world during a time when most people just mailed it in. There is no such thing as perfect, so don’t abuse yourself for falling short of it. I fuckin hate that word, actually. And think it’s the most abused/overused one in the English language. It makes me cringe any time I’m out in public and someone uses it as a place holder for the fact that they can’t come up with anything else to say. 2020 was the opposite of perfect, yet we’re going to see as time goes on that a hell of a lot of good came out if it. I’m personally very excited for that. The bullshit will never stop. So it’s up to us to look through it and create something positive.

This was the first time I wasn’t able to go home (upstate New York) for Christmas to be with family. Wasn’t going to argue with my mother who was nervous about us traveling across the country and getting COVID, but I also wasn’t going to just sit around San Diego twiddling my thumbs. So Emily, Mojo, and I decided to take a road trip up to Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. It was a great trip. Normally it takes a while to digest a trip to know who much fun it was. I can already feel it on this one though. That part of the country really please me, to say the least. Lot of images to come.

Click here to see images from my America series.


Barbershops of America - Then and Now

Feeling really grateful for the press Barbershops of America has been getting lately. It feels good when people really connect with your personal work. Barber Evo Magazine ran an article and it was on the front page of today’s San Diego Union Tribune, which caused a number of really kind emails from people who read it. One in particular mentioned that the images reminded him of the shop he grew up in. Exactly the kind of emotional reaction I hope people will have when they look at the book.


What to know before publishing a photo book

Publishing Your First Photography Book

Why and How

Seems redundant to say that quarantine has been a trying time for everyone. My commercial business was shut down for 5 months straight. While stressful, it also became something I embraced because really, there’s nothing any of us could have done to change it. Commercial productions just weren’t possible, which isn’t an excuse to sit around and watch Netflix. For me it became a time to learn and soak up as much knowledge as possible, most notably on book publishing. I read a lot of books and blog posts, watched some videos, and attended a multiple online Zoom workshops. One thing that stood out from all of that was the question asking “why do you want to publish a book?” Everyone really seemed to emphasize that line. If you’ve followed what I do for any length of time, you know I’ve published a few books and have another one on the way. Then, why? After a lot of thinking I recognized how important that question and answer are for anyone wanting to publish a book of any kind. And I felt compelled to share exactly what my Why is as well as other thoughts crucial to the process. I’m a photographer, so my answers will be focused on that genre, but they apply to everyone.  What I offer here are just my thoughts. In no way do I have book publishing or the photography world “figured out”. Nobody does or ever will. Like anything, it’s constantly changing, so all we can do is stay on top of it and help each other out along the way.


I’ve spent countless hours inadvertently thinking about this one and the answer has become really clear - I believe in photography books. Every which way you can think of, I believe in them. There’s a very distinguishable line in my career that I credit all to photo books. It sounds dramatic, but I don’t mind saying that they changed my life. My collection has grown vigorously over the years, and if memory serves, the first one to alter my way of thinking and seeing is probably Uncommon Places by Stephen Shore. From there I went on to William Eggleston, who I’d say is one of my biggest influences. Then there was (in no particular order) William Albert Allard, Andy Anderson, Joel Sternfeld, Lee Friedlander, Joel Meyorwitz, Walker Evans, Robert Frank, Walter Iooss, Fred Herzog, Saul Leiter, Alex Webb, Dan Winters, and the list goes on, almost forever. Each of their books are, in themselves, a master class on photography.  The point is that I didn’t understand what real photography was until spending countless quiet hours with myself and books by the masters. Just starting out, I was ignorant and hot headed, thinking my images were great and that I didn’t need anyone’s help. What an idiot. Studying photo books has taught me so much about what great photographs are and how to create a cohesive body of work. How to tell a story. What’s involved in pagination. How design factors in. There are so many elements that I can’t begin to think of them all, but it wasn’t until I studied the greats that my own photography actually improved at all.  Even beyond education, photography books just give me an enormous amount of joy. I love looking through them. They have an almost meditative quality that allows you to get lost inside the front and back cover. Every time I close a photo book I feel better than before it was opened.  


Without question, I’d have to say that in the beginning it is most definitely about ego. As a younger photographer there seemed to be something hanging over my head saying that you’re not a real photographer unless you publish a book. Sorta like an athlete that never wins a ring?!  Looking back, I see what bullshit that was. Nobody but you cares if you’ve published a book or not. So I’d say the first book was at least partially made because of ego. “Here’s the book I published. I’m a real photographer, right!?” After your first book launches you feel validated and your ego is stroked for a few days, but that quickly fades when you realize what a small percentage of the world gives a shit and how much work is needed to actually sell it. Ego aside, I was still really passionate about my barbershop project that became my first book, but the best thing I’ve done is to work on squashing the ego. Ego gets you nowhere. 


The first part sort of ties into the whole ego thing, just in a different way. Who are you making the book for? Take some time to figure that out and answer yourself honestly. If the answer is Your Ego, then the book is doomed from the beginning. If you actually have something to say though, then it has a fighting chance. I never realized how many books are actually out in the world until I started making my own. 8+ years later it still blows my mind how many books are published on a daily basis. So unless you have something to say that’s unique and has an audience, then it’s most certainly about your ego. “I’m an artist. Look at me and what I created”. Before you put forth a boatload of time, energy, and money be sure the book actually has some substance. Think about how and if it’s going to add or advance the world of photography. Think about what it will do for the subject you’ve focused on and that niche part of the world. Has your particular topic been done before? If so, what are you going to do differently and why are people supposed to care? My first book and project that I continue to work on is about traditional barbershops. Something I view as a beautiful but dying piece of American culture. I’ve always loved barbershops. It made me sad to see them vanishing, so I took it upon myself to document them before they were all gone. Almost 9 years later I’m on the 3rd edition of that book because I’ve continued to photograph shops in all 50 states of the USA. And now, looking back, a lot of the barbers in the book have already passed on. That’s sad, but I’m also grateful to have immortalized them in photographs. Wasn’t until about 5 years into the project that I realized the book is in a sense, a historical document. I’m proud of that. 


What is the focus of your book and why are you focusing on it? How are you connected to it? Unless you have a strong personal connection, it won’t work. If you’re shooting something just for a book in hopes that it will make you famous or cause a steady stream of publicity, then you’re going to be very disappointed. If that’s your reasoning, then whatever small audience you manage to attract, will immediately know your intentions. It shows up in the work. The desire has to come from somewhere deeper than money. It has to be something you can’t not make. People can see the passion in your photos, or not. So make sure you think this through and produce a book that truly means something to you! 


Every photographer goes through slow times whether they admit it or not. Doesn’t matter who you are. This business will be filled with highs and lows. If fact, you’re more likely to be hit with more lows than highs. So if that’s something you can’t handle, then this isn’t the business for you. There was a period where I was getting boat loads of commercial work. Some of it was really fun. The rest of it sucked and made me miserable, but it paid a LOT of bills. If you continue to take those suck jobs, all it will lead to is more jobs that suck. That was happening to me, which gave me a bad attitude and caused me to withdraw quite a bit without even knowing it. So work started to dry up. I mean really dry. During that time I did a lot of reflecting about what I wanted from my career. And just as important, what I didn’t want. That is a whole discussion in itself, but something I strongly encourage every photographer to do at least a couple times a year.  My answer was to focus on commercial work only where “I was a customer before they were a client”. Meaning that the company/brand sells a product that I already use or their message/goals fit directly with my interests/lifestyle. This goes back to your passion showing up in the work. If you’re shooting for a company, brand, or cause that you believe in, then it will show in the images. Otherwise, I decided the money just isn’t worth the headaches and drama of high maintenance clients. Life is too short. That’s not to say I have my pick of any shoot I want. Definitely not the case at all, but I also just don’t care that much about money. What does this have to do with books? Well, what do you do with your slow/free time? Commercial collaborations can be fun, but what does it all say about you as a photographer? Fast forward 10, 20, 50 years and think about what that commercial work will mean? Do you just want to be a hired gun or actually create something of your own? Ever hear older musicians talk about “owning their masters” or “buying back their masters”? If you’re not familiar, it means they, as opposed to the record company, own the music. It’s theirs forever to make money from. Which is a funny thing to think about. They made the music. Of course they should own it, right? Not if the labels get their way. Same goes for the photography industry. A photographer’s personal projects are far more important (in my opinion) than their commercial work. Enjoy the commercial work and do a great job for your clients, but you have to go farther than that. Create something that is a direct reflection of you and your life and that passion will organically attract other like minded people. Which in turn will organically attract commercial clients. Next thing you know, you’re getting hired to shoot something you love and would do for free. 


Anyone who has ever been through the process of publishing a book will tell you it can’t be about the money. Unless you’re wildly famous, making tons of money on advances and sales isn’t a thing. I’d like to go on for days about the +/- of publishing vs. self-publishing, but that will need to be a whole other rant on it’s own. Have experience with both and will share those thoughts another time. For now though, forget the money. If that’s your motivation then think now about another way. Make the book because you have to, and trust that it will lead to other things. This is all an add on to what I said in #4. Making a book on barbershops in all 50 states of the USA isn’t something any sane person would do, let alone expect to make money from. Still though, I had to make it. And what came of it? Yes, the books sold and continue to sell, but those margins are insultingly low. It’s what comes from the book that’s truly rewarding, both personally and financially. The book connected me with a massive group of good people all over the globe. That for me is reward in itself, but it also led to other things. As the circle grew, with it came commercial assignments and image licensing. And the best part, there is no selling involved. I don’t have to convince the client that I’m the right person for the job because they can see and feel my passion for the subject. If I was independently wealthy, I’d still be doing the same thing. I’d still work on the Barbershop project, The Hoops project, and all the others that are in the hopper. That’s how you should think about it. Make a book about something you’re totally passionate about and would do even if you knew it would never make you a dime. 


Your book should give something to the viewers, but it also needs to boil down to fun. If you’re not having fun, then what’s the point?

Hopefully this will help you answer a few of the questions floating around in your head? Now you just have to figure out how the hell to actually sell your book….

American Backcourts

Beyond excited to finally be sharing the forthcoming (November 15th-ish) book with everyone!! I could probably go on talking about this project for days, but the world doesn’t have an attention span for that, so I’ll try and keep it quick. Also know that I’ll be posting more about this in the coming weeks as the book comes closer to release. Even now sitting down to write this I’m not sure how to keep it short. The video itself probably best describes how I feel about basketball and this series that I’ve been shooting for the past 8+ years. Like most of my projects, I believe it was a “thing” even before realizing it. If you’ve followed “The Basketball Hoops Project” for any amount of time, you know this this was all inspired by a picture of Larry Bird’s childhood hoop. As a kid, he was my hero, and I just couldn’t understand how one of the greatest of all time could have grown up playing on a rusty old rim hanging on a dilapidated old barn in the middle of Indiana. I was certain that all the greats came from the inner cities and were afforded the finest facilities. That image of Bird’s hoop and the story it told never left my head as I got older and began traveling as a photographer. During those cross country road trips (with my dog Mojo) I would encounter hoops just like Bird’s and couldn’t help but stop to photography them, always wondering what stories they would tell. After taking the photos I didn’t give them much thought, as my main focus was on a different subject (Barbershops of America) altogether. Then time went on and people started responding to the Hoops images I would post on various social media channels, and I realized that a body of work had really developed. At some point, Hoops became the new focus and things started to snowball. Now, almost 9 years later, I’m just as obsessed with the project as I was then.

A few weeks ago I received the unbound proofing copy of the book, and couldn’t help but feel as though this is the most complete body of work I’ve every put out. And a lot of that has to do with the collaborations I entered into after understanding how important it is to hand over to control of the things you aren’t good at. Being honest about what you don’t know is an important trait in life. Is it pertains to this, the best thing I did was to work with an editor. A professional who understands the importance of giving it to you straight. Someone who isn’t emotionally connected to the project and will edit the images in a way that’s best for the project as a whole. Which often times, means saying bye to your favorites! This is a huge lesson for me, and one that I’m infinitely thankful to have learned. I also worked with a designer on this book to give it the visual attention it deserved. Again, knowing what I don’t know. I’m not a designer and can’t expect to make a book look good on my own. Trust in the professionals! There is no situation in life where it isn’t important to surround yourself with people who are smarter or better than yourself! It only raises you up to their level. I’m quite confident in my abilities as a photographer, but when it comes to editing and design, I’m very much an amateur.

There is a whole lot more to say about this project, but for now I hope you enjoy this teaser video. I think it says a whole lot about the game of basketball, and sums up why I continue to love this project. Stay tuned for more info about the book’s release.

**The book you see is a digital mock up as I have not yet received the hard copies. The text on the real thing looks slightly different.

American Photography

American Photography

Colorado - Utah

Whenever possible I make it a point to take new routes even when the destination might be a place (like Denver) I’ve been a hundred times. That way it’s easier to be inspired by new sights. Occasionally though, when you don’t have a ton of extra time, you find yourself on a familiar highway just motoring from A to B. At this point I’d be confident in my ability to drive from San Diego to Denver with a blindfold on. Still though, it’s a world class stretch of road that should never be taken for granted. Keeping this in mind, I returned to places along the way that I’ve photographed before, while remaining open to things that might have been missed before. Happy with the outcome.

Click here to see more from the AMERICA series.


After 5+ months of Stay at Home it seems like I’m more than making up for the downtime with plenty of miles on the road. Very thankful for it. After last months trip up to Wyoming, I just completed a ride out Colorado - a place very special to me where I hope to one day have a second home. If the route you see on the map looks weird, that’s because it is. As usual, I started in Southern California and went up to Mammoth for a couple of days camping with Emily and Mojo. Then drove back down to LA for a two day commercial shoot with GNC, and left directly from there for Colorado. Most of the time there was spend in the Steamboat area for some backpacking and fly fishing. More from all this to come.

Click here to see images from previous road trips.

Road Trip

Another one in the books, and what a trip it was. This was the time that I planned to be heading east for our annual family trip to Cape Cod, but that was canceled due to COVID. That was a real bummer. Still though, I wasn’t going to let it stop me from being on the road. As you can see from the route, this trip was quite different from the rest. Then again, every trip is quite different from the last. Was very happy to see parts of the country not previously seen, most notably in Nevada. Overall this trip was filled with fly fishing, backpacking, camping, commercial shooting, personal shooting, old friends, new friends, good times, and as always lots of food.

After leaving Southern California, I headed out toward Nevada and went up the western border of almost the whole state. It was 117 degrees out there, so not a lot of productive shooting got done. Loved what I saw though. And northern Nevada is almost an entirely different state altogether. Very mountainous. From there I clipped a portion of Oregon, then into Idaho where I met up with a couple old friends and met up with a photographer that I greatly admire. Next it was on to Wyoming for some fly fishing and back packing with friends in the Wind River Range. More on that later. When that was done I made my way back to San Fransisco for a 3 day commercial shoot, which was also a hell of a lot of fun. Then Emily and Mojo met me there and we started a week+ long drive up the coast. Completing the 101 was never an intention, but it worked out that way. And I have to say, it was really special. That route has a great reputation for a reason. Almost sounds dumb saying it out loud, but the coast of California, Oregon, and Washington are world class places. We ended the meat of the trip up on the Olympic Peninsula, which could be a whole trip in itself. The amount of shellfish we harvested alone was worth the drive. Every day we were eating fresh oysters, clams, mussels, and crabs. Once we started heading south, my truck decided to act up, causing a detour and semi brief stay at the RAM dealership. Not a huge deal though. After that happened, it seemed like the universe was telling me it was time to head home. So, with some fresh clams in the YETI, I did just that.

Stay tuned for images.

Road Trip Photography

California Highway 395

Goes without saying that road trips are one of my favorite things to do on the planet. It’s not often though, that I’m in the passenger seat and able to make images during the ride. Such was the case a few weeks ago on a trip to Bishop/Mammoth for some fly fishing (also a favorite).

There’s a stupid but true thing that people love to say in the mountains - “if you don’t like the weather, wait ten minutes”. Wish they had to dish out a dollar every time they said it. We encountered some typical mountain weather during out couple days there. Really hot during the day, then cold and stormy as hell at night. Not ideal when camping, but great for images. Love the tones in a lot of these shots.

Click here to see some of my ADVENTURE images.

American Motels

Americana Photographs

The last couple months have been weird. Everybody knows. Weird probably isn’t the right word, but I’d like to stay away from the negative. And now that things (knock on wood) feel like they are loosening up a little bit, it’s caused me to look back on what has occupied my time during quarantine. Aside from the dishes, I’ve spent on lots of energy going through my absurdly large Lightroom catalogue that contains images from 2012 on. Specifically focusing on personal work that hasn’t been developed, I’m starting to see themes in the work that was never noticed before. This is very encouraging because I know it’s from all the time that’s also been spent on Zoom workshops about editing your work, creating photo books, how images work together, etc. etc. Didn’t realize it until now, but an education took place in the last 90 days that I’m extremely grateful for. All my time on the road over the past 8+ years has produced a handful of different bodies of work that I never knew how edit. Certainly not saying it’s figured out or will be, but things are adding up. It sounds simple, but one key that that was learned is that a common theme is necessary. “America” which has been a main focus for me, is not a theme. Just because I drive around this country taking pictures of it doesn’t mean all the images work together. Quite the opposite. It’s also quite a gem of power to learn and accept that you’ll frequently have to discard your favorite images from an edit because they simply don’t work for the bigger picture. Can’t stress that enough. Setting the ego aside can be a hard thing, especially for photographers who are so emotionally connected to their work. Has to be done though. And if the image is really that good, it will find it’s way into another body of work somewhere down the line. One theme I noticed popping up again and again over the past couple months is hotels. Apparently I enjoy hotels, and have photographed quite a few over the past 8 years. So expect to see more of them in the future.

Click here to see more from my “America” gallery.

Barbershops of America - Then and Now

It’s safe to say that any plans you previously made in the last 6-ish months have all gone to shit. Such is the case with my new book “Barbershops of America - Then and Now”. The two other versions of this were self published in the past, but I’m proud to say you are looking at my first “published” book, with Schiffer Publishing out of Pennsylvania. I had some grand plans for a release party, but obviously none of that will be happening. Such is the world we now live in. At first this was really upsetting, but after thinking about it for a while, I decided there was no point in fighting the facts and the best course of action was to embrace the times we are in. Maybe it’s not ideal, but so what? You can only plan so much. My man Mike Tyson said it best - “everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face”. Well, the whole world is getting punched in the face right now. So we must adapt. Now I choose to think that the book will be a boost of positivity and happiness to anyone who decided to pick up a copy. The timing doesn’t really matter.

Over the past couple months I’ve been watching a lot of webinars about photo books. And it never fails that the host presents a question to everyone watching - “why do you want to make a photo book?” For some that might be easy to answer and others probably haven’t given it enough serious thought. While I could go on for days about this topic, two things eventually stuck in my mind as answers to that question: 1) I believe in the power of photo books to bring people joy and knowledge 2) I despise what the iPhone and social media have done to photography and feel a need/responsibility to constantly create something that people can own and hold in their hand forever.

Barbershops of America is a series I’m emotionally connected to after working on it for 8+ years and traveling 200,000+ through all 50 states of the USA. For a project like this I don’t see any other place for it to live than a book. One of the main goals is to preserve the history and culture of barbering in our country, and what better place than a book? Otherwise the images just sit on a hard drive or website never to be seen.

Click HERE to purchase a copy of the book.

If you live outside the USA then your cheapest option for delivery is Amazon.

Barber Evo Magazine

Barbershop Photography

A while ago I was asked to write a piece in Barber Evo Magazine sharing my thoughts on how the barber industry has changed. It was an obvious “yes” as it’s something I’m very passionate about and happy to share. Here is the magazine spread as well as what I had to say. Unfortunately the book is out of print, but you can still buy prints from the series.

Click here to check out the book.

At this point it almost sounds stupid to say out loud that barbershops have changed. And even if that’s a massive understatement, it’s true. Back in 2012 when I first began my “Barbershops of America” project, it looked like traditional barbering was becoming a thing of the past. Then a year or two later the explosion started. Barbering became sexy. Everyone wanted to do it. And the next thing I knew there was a barbershop on almost every street corner. The way I see it today, there are 3 different schools of new age barbers: those looking for a quick buck, those who want to be Instagram famous, and those looking to carry on the old traditions while also adding their own modern twist. Old time shops are something that couldn’t and shouldn’t be replicated. They are simple places with a way about them that naturally came to be with age. The old timers never gave any consideration to looking cool, and because of that, they just were. What you see in their shops is sort of a living thing that organically grew over 40, 50, or 60 years. Each shop has it’s own personality that’s a direct reflection of the barber and his friends/clients that have been walking through the same doors their whole life. 

I’m not a barber and I don’t believe there is a right or wrong when it comes to building a shop. If it makes you happy and you’re doing it for the right reasons, then go for it. However, I have been to over 1,000 barbershops in all 50 states of the USA.  So what I do have is a very informed personal opinion. And my opinion on the negative side is that a lot of barbershops have become very impersonal and sterile places. Some are owned by people who are not barbers and never planned on spending any time there, so the shop lacks any real identity. They could be owned by absolutely anyone. There is no defining characteristic besides some sort of aesthetic that you could easily mistake for a high end salon. Again, this is just my opinion, but people continue to patronize a barbershop because they know the barber and on at least a couple levels, they connect with the same things. The shop becomes very familiar and welcoming because you can talk about your shared interests. Walking into most barbershops these days, you would have no clue what the barbers do besides cut hair. There are no pieces of their personality hanging on the wall or glimpses into their life on the mirror. You can almost compare them to a bank in the sense that you could swap out the teller every single day and nobody would have any idea if that person had been working there for a day or 30 years. Walking into a bank is very soulless. You do your business and get the hell out, but only after the teller asks you the same question they asked every other person that has ever approached their window - “so, do you have any big plans for the weekend?” Sure, these barbershops are visually more slick than a bank, but not necessarily and more soulful.

On the positive side, there are people doing beautiful things with their shops. And I’m not strictly talking about the design. Shops that you walk in and instantly have some understanding of who the owner is.You know that his personality has oozed out of him and into the shop. “Eagle and Pig” in Costa Mesa, California comes instantly to mind. Owner Dane Hesse has done a tremendous job there. His t-shirts and stickers say things like “the one and only” for good reason. There has never been and never will be another shop like his. Dane is a 1/1 and you see that in his shop. Walking in the door you practically run right into his classic Ford pick-up truck, which is a constant work in progress. Once you make your way around the truck there is a rack of surfboards and the walls are filled with very unique pieces. All of which are a part of his personality. You know what Dane is into. He is a really smart guy, but he didn't build his shop so that you or anyone else would think it’s cool. It’s almost a clubhouse for him, his friends, and anyone else that enjoys spending time there while getting a great haircut. Of course he has a barber pole and the old chairs, but more than anything he wants you to receive top notch service. That’s tradition. Great service. Barbers aren’t a gift that their customers are lucky to have access to when they aren’t off making celebrity house calls. 

If you want me to name drop other shops, then people should look to places like Pugsly’s Barbershop / Pugsly’s Sideshow in Kingston, NY, Joe’s Barbershop in Chicago, Franklin’s Barbershop in Philly, Shane’s Barbershop in San Mateo, CA, and Mark Jason Solofa Men’s Grooming in Berkeley/Danville, CA. These are guys that get tradition and service. Crossing over from the street into their shop, you feel a tangible vibe. You can also feel the pride they have for what they do. They want you to feel welcome but you also know immediately that people walk out with a quality haircut. Their shops are well thought out. Curated but not overdone. They are the real deal. Not for everybody, which is the point. You can’t really say that there is one defining visual element to barbershops today. Because for better or worse, they are all different. The important thing is that “different” comes from the right place. It needs to come from the barber. The walls at Shane’s are covered with skateboards and music paraphernalia  because that’s where he came from and that’s what he’s into. Joe’s has been in business since 1968 when it was a one man shop that Joe Sr. opened. Sr. still cuts but Jr. took it over a while back and since expanded it to 8 chairs. Still though, you can feel the history. Right inside the front door is a pile of vhs movies, 8-track tapes, and repaired record players that Sr. has for sale. On any given day he might have a repaired bicycle for sale out front too. That’s just him. Not in a mean way, but if you don’t like their style, they don’t care. A real barbershop is a friendly place but it can’t be for everybody like the shitty sports bar that has the pennant of every NFL team hanging in the ceiling.

30 years ago would you have seen skateboards, big screen tv’s, or battle trophies hanging in a barbershop? No. That’s not the point. Times have changed and so have people. That’s how the world works. And no matter the industry, there will always be different schools of thought that don’t agree. I’m from the school that believes barbering is a humble and creative profession that would be nothing today if it weren’t for the countless years of tradition that got us here. So while having the pole, the chairs, and the proper tools are a must, it’s the other things that count. Create a shop that comes from within. Grow your business with a genuine purpose, take care of your customers, leave your ego at home, and don’t wear your fuckin’ sunglasses indoors.


Travel is one of the greatest things anyone could ever do for themselves. It pushes you and forces you to learn in ways that you never expected. It’s also just a hell of a lot of fun. I’m fortunate to travel quite a bit, especially this time of year, and feel very grateful to have completed the this most recent trip. It started out in San Diego with the road trip I do every year at this time with Mojo back to New York to see family for Xmas. In between the focus is always shooting of course, but family is the end goal. After NY, Emily and I then flew to Europe for two weeks, which included time in Denmark, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, and the UK. It was a vacation for us, but I realized long ago that I’m never truly on a vacation as most people would think of it. I might not be out shooting for clients, but I’m still shooting. Focusing on bodies of work that will eventually grow into their own thing and one day be part of my business. Anyway, after returning from Europe, Mojo and I got back in the truck and drove to west to San Diego. All told this was a 30 day chunk of time and I haven’t yet gone through all the images, but I’m very happy with what I’ve seen so far. Stay tuned for the selects….

Click HERE to see some images from previous road trips across America

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Road Trip

Have been all over the place lately and thus slacking on the blog. Most recently wrapped up a road trip out to Colorado and back. Had a great meeting in Santa Fe. Spent some QT with friends for Thanksgiving. And managed to spend a lot of time out on the river. The last day was really the icing on the cake though. We went out split boarding in the morning and then by the afternoon we were fly fishing. Colorado is the best. Will be posting images from this trip soon.

Click here to see some of my fly fishing images.


Eagle & Pig Barbershop

Best Barbershop in Costa Mesa, CA

Eagle&Pig Barbershop - Photography

Eagle&Pig Barbershop is a gem of gems. Have loved this place since the first day I walked in. And like most shops worth their weight, Pig is the organic creation of it’s owner Dane Hesse. Spend 30 seconds here and you’ll realize there is as much going on in his head as there is in the shop. That should be read and taken as a compliment. Dane is a complex dude with plenty of smarts to go around. I have endless appreciation for anyone who was “supposed to be” one thing, but decided that one thing wasn’t for him or her. And then sets out on their own path without any fear of the repercussions or opinions of others. That’s exactly what Dane did, and since then he has created something truly unique. A place that he, his customers, and friends love to be. What more can you want from a barbershop?

Follow the shop on IG @pigbarber.

Click here to read the last Q&A with Josh from Lucky’s Barbershop.

Click here to check out the book.

“… “school” believes that being supportive is much more beneficial than being a dick.”


1) Tell me about where you're from, what you did before you were a barber, and what led to the decision of going to barber school.

I am Southern California born and raised. I grew up in North County San Diego surfing, skateboarding, riding BMX and playing sports. When I graduated from high school I ended up attending Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, Ca. Orange County was a really cool place to live then. After I graduated from college I was able to find work helping grow a kettlekorn business with a buddy of mine and work for an MMA publication writing and selling advertisements. My long term goal was to attend law school at some point, but I wasn't really dedicated to the idea nor had I worked hard enough to get into law school easily. That being said, I was impressed upon by a local barber, Mark Miller, that barber school and the subsequent profession were the best decisions he made. So not wanting to pursue a career in law lead me to become a barber instead.

Are you not a fan of living in Orange County now?

You know what’s funny about this question, is that until recently the answer would have always been "I love Orange County." And dont get me wrong, its still wonderful to me, but it has change a decent amount from the secretive, artistic, and influential coastal oasis it once was. There is so much greed and excess here now. Houses and cool communities have all given themselves away to profiteering over culture. There is a lot of gentrification that doesnt even really include the middle class families that live here. Everyone is being priced out. Luckily, there are still so many good things about the OC that make it worth staying here. Every once and awhile SD or Ventura calls my name or pulls on the heart strings. In the end though, I just know that my success really does come from being influenced by Costa Mesa and its history of surf, skate, music, art, etc. My shop wouldnt be what it is or as successful without the love the county has given to it over the years.


2) How have your decisions as a shop owner changed over the years? What do you contribute a lot of your success to?

Honestly, and this word will answer both questions...consistency. As a shop owner my decisions haven't changed much. I started out in the shop solo. Then I hired Justin in 2015 and Richie in 2017. Even with bringing them on the consistency with which the shop is ran stayed the same. Customers make appointments the same way. The standards for the services are high. The toilet gets cleaned. The towels folded. Etc.

My success comes from busting my ass and being in the shop when its advertised that i'm in the shop. I make sure to plan days off well in advance on the scheduling software so that customers can adjust their lives to my absence. I've probably only missed a dozen days in 7 full years from being sick. And, back to the word consistency, my goal with each haircut is to make it, consistently, as close to each individual’s expectations or needs. Show up when you say you are going to be there, don't cancel on people, and do good haircuts. Easy recipe.

3) You have a very unique shop. How has it developed over the years? Why does it look the way it does?  What bothers you about it?

Thank you. It's a growing amoeba. I've actually seen some old photos of the shop recently and it was amazing to see it with nothing on the walls. I grew up in a construction/hard work/do it yourself household so its development hinges on that mentality greatly. Most of the projects in the shop I've done myself or with the help of close friends and family.

My shop takes influence from a few exact experiences in my life. I love stickers. They decorate things so well, abstractly. I used to cover things in them as a kid, but with order, not complete randomness. Another direct influence was Mark Millers shop in Costa Mesa. His style was so cool. Old posters from punk shows lined his walls along with other awesome memorabilia to look at. Surf and Skate culture across the decades are all huge influences as well. They each have their own unique styles that I really connect with.

I'm usually bothered with how much work it is to clean the shop and what a massive pain in the ass it is to change things up. I like to move things around from time to time so that when people shoot photos in the shop they get different visuals. So much work.


How did the name Eagle & Pig come to be?

Originally, when I got the space for the shop I had a business partner named Sean. His plan was to use his knack for finding old furniture and selling it out of the shop. We were going to furnish the shop with his findings, but everything was going to be for sale. We sort of just landed on the name through word games. Eagle comes from America, simple enough. Pig comes from a few places...1960s surfboard design, men can be pigs, sailors good luck charm, Reagan has this quote "I am glad they call me a P.I.G it stands for Pride, Integrity, Guts." Sean and his wife decided that three kids were more important than me though, his stint in the shop selling stuff never really happened. 2020 will be 10 years in the shop.

4) How do you feel about the younger generation of barbers/celebrity barbers/instagram barbers?

I'm not necessarily a fan of them. I think that their perspective on the profession is massively skewed by becoming cool or sponsored. That's all bullshit. Its cool, and don't get me wrong, I am beyond grateful for the awesome adventures being “sponsored” has given me, but at the end of the day the barbers “sphere of influence” is wherever he or she consistently shows up, services their customers, and develops a book of business. Customer loyalty has always been a major contributing factor to a barber’s success and vice versa. Its a 2 way street relationship. Wasting time hoping that your social media pops off disallows you the opportunity to create genuine long lasting relationships with patrons who will help pay your bills for years, not just for the short period of time that “insta cool” exists. If you aren't behind your chair for long periods of time you can't expect to have customers sitting there waiting for you to come back. They dont give a shit about how cool you are at the end of the day...they just need a damn haircut.

5) One of the great things about your "school" of barbers is the support you all give each other. That doesn't happen in a lot of professions. Can you talk about that?

There are barbers who operate from a train of thought based on that consistency i've already mentioned. You show up and cut, have barbers that do the same, and you keep your patrons happy. Realistically, beef in the barbering industry is usually petty bullshit that involves short sighted and simple minded people. Supporting people should be easy. We all work in 10ft squares most of the day..not anywhere else. Some of us go out of our way to send customers, when they move away, to shops that will service them similarly or have a good reputation of quality. Having an ego in a blue collar industry like ours is just ignorant. There are enough customers to go around and my “school” believes that being supportive is much more beneficial than being a dick.


6) Talk about the culture of your shop specifically.

My shop is an enigma, I think. It grew out of my need to have structure and believing that our customers could conform to that idea. We are a pretty no holds bar barbershop. I've got a degree in history/political science and I read a lot. I will allow the entire spectrum of conversation to happen in the shop. I make sure that people understand the concept of respect in dialogue. Not many people, let alone barbers, care enough to be educated on subjects varying from socio economic conditions, beer company politics, fuck trump, fuck hillary, gang books, girl pop see where i'm going with this. I'll say, clearly, I think that barbers tend to short change their ability to be intelligent. Some “smart” ones come across as absolute fucking morons. Some “dumb” ones suppress their smarts to be cool. That being said, my shop is a haven for everyone. Everyone is both safe and vulnerable. We like to enjoy our lives because barbering is supposed to be a fun, community focused profession.We also want our customers to grow, personally, by our influence. And, get laid because of our haircuts.

Maybe you're the enigma? You were supposed to go to Law School, but didn't and instead became a barber/shop owner that is very educated and continues to read a lot, can build things with your hands, and also loves to chug beer. How does that all add up? 

Math was definitely not a strong subject for me in school, hahaha. I knew turning by back on the lawyer track in life was going to provide me with a new set of challenges. Some I knew for sure, others I had to take with stride. I don’t come from money. I DO come from a household that always taught ingenuity and hard work WILL get you by. My parents both fulfilled their specific rolls in my life and honestly most of the lessons I learned were the same, just in different circumstances. Sacrifice, courtesy, honesty, diligence, and other strong words came to me through their examples. My dad worked on the cars, was a welder, managed ranches, built homes, owned a construction company. My mom was a librarian, beach shuttle driver, cooked, helped my dad in every way she could, forced me to mount bugs and cross stitch instead of take ADD meds. I was given the responsibility at a young age to take care of portions of my life, simple things that I could handle for the age that I was. I learn visually. So watching my parents do a plethora of tasks throughout my lifetime I was able to learn a lot of little skills. The skills and the way I learned actually translated over to barbering really well. In barber school I was able to watch and learn, know when and what questions to ask, etc. Its funny how the things you might encounter or endure as a child prepare you for your future. If you decide to fine tune some of those skills into productive adulting you might just end up good at something.

As for the beers. I love beer and all the rest of the booze in this world. Im fortunate enough to not have any sort of dependency on alcohol though, that I am grateful for. As barbers we are always being exposed to cool new things. So many of my customers work for different companies in the booze world and they love sharing their knowledge and perks. Ive been fortunate enough to drink all sorts of amazing top shelf liquors. At the end of the day though, I will drink anything under the sun. You have to know how to handle yourself if you are gunna drink with me. Nobody likes a sloppy drunk. Ive been sloppy, maybe, a half dozen times since I became of legal drinking age. It just such a calming feeling to sit down at the bar top and throw a few back. Its also amazing to do keg stands or order rounds of shots or slug it down straight from the whiskey bottle.

Moral or this question: Balance is your absolute best friend.


3 books you would recommend everyone read? 

Im gunna break these down into genres with some suggestions

1.Gang Related Autobiographies or Biographies: A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown, Monster by Sanyika Shakur, Autobiography of a Recovering Skinhead by Frank Meeink, Blood in Blood Out by John Lee Brook

2.Post Modern/Modern Fiction: Anthology of Franz Kafka, Most novels by Chuck Palahniuk, House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski 

3.Philosophy: The Republic by Plato, The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche, Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, Candide by Voltaire, A Modest Proposal and Paradise Lost by Jonathan Swift

4....If you plan to read and convey the "news" to people try to read the same topic across several sources and maybe cross reference the "factual" information provided. You will actually sound and BE smarter for it. 

7) Anything that bothers you on a daily basis?

Bad customers. Cocky customers. “No Call/No Shows.” I despise people who mess with the schedule. Its disrespectful to our other customers. We try to stay on schedule to our best ability, but sometimes people mess that up for us and the customers following after them. I don’t mind product in peoples hair. I can afford to buy new clippers or blades a few times a year. But what I hate is when they talk shit about weird parts of their last cut or ask for MORE product when they already have a TON in their hair. Its your dumbass fault you ALWAYS come in with product in your hair. And, you DO NOT need more product.


8) At the end of a week, what is it you are most proud about/what gives you the most satisfaction?

Honestly...that every day/week that I show up consistently, so do my customers. My schedule is fully booked every day that I work. I cut on the 30min. Im not doing hour cuts and wasting my time filming or taking studio photos. Im proud to bust my ass for my customers. They know that I will be there, give them an above par cut, and be everything they need from me. Barber. Counselor. Friend. etc...

9) Advice for someone trying do what you do?

You cant be me, or anyone else. You have to be yourself. Barbering is an artform. It requires individuality. You have to want to be selfless. Be covered in tiny little pieces of other peoples hair day in and day out. If you want to be like me you have to provide quality service, with speed and efficiency, while maintaining a high level of educated conversation. You have to show up to work and not miss days or take days off without replacing those days. If you are getting busy or already busy its making sure that your customers have the opportunity to get their cut which helps your pocket book to remain full and their mops chopped.


11) Random thoughts about what you do.....

Being a good barber is so much more selfless than the social media era has made it. I refer to it as the 50/50 scale. When we are in the shop we are 100% barbers. 50% technical barber. 50% personable barber. Now some of us are always going to be more technical than personable, and vice versa. The goal should be to strive for a 50/50 standard...that's what makes the most complete, well rounded barber. Somedays, you might not want to put out the effort to be personable so you can slide your technical game to 60% for the day. Or 70% if you are really grumpy. Other times you might get caught up in a good mood or vibe in the shop that takes your timing off, thought process off, steps off, messes with the game and your scale might slide to 70% personable...some of you out there that already operate at 70% personable might slide to 100% too often and thats why you lose customers to the quiet guy in the shop that puts out white hot technical haircut heat every cut. That dudes customers might be bored as shit, but they look like $1M everytime they leave the shop. Random enough Rob?

Biggest thing you've learned about yourself since passing on Law School and opening up your own shop? 

That I’m not "wasting my potential." That was a big issue for some people around me when I made the leap from possible future lawyer to barber. The idea that I would "waste” my intellect on a blue collar profession. If anything, my blue collar job choice has given me the opportunity to continue to learn, grow and be influential as human being, friend, husband, barber.

What do you get into out side the shop?

Hopefully not legal trouble. I enjoy spending time with my wife and friends. I really like being in the sun, not doing much, by a pool, with a cocktail. I surf when I can, ride my harley, work on the endless project that my truck has become. Try to relax. I am really good at stressing myself out and over working myself into shut down mode. Im trying to get better at that. I just want to find the balance between contentment and drive for more. Im gettting there slowly but surely. 
