American Motels

American Motels - Road Trip Photography

Apparently my fascination with small town motels continues? Not sure what that is. Perhaps it’s because I’ve stayed in so many during all my time on the road, but they fit nicely into my America series either way.

Click here to see more from the America series.

Street Photography - San Francisco

San Francisco Photo Gallery

After college my mother lived in San Francisco for a few years and she still talks about her time there with a lot of fondness. Maybe that’s where my original fascination for the city came from? Don’t know. Although it’s really not a hard sell. Consider myself lucky to have spent some time there with my mother as well as numerous other trips over the years. And with each subsequent visit, my opinion strengthens that it’s one of the great cities of the world. Not just in the USA, but the world. These images certainly aren’t meant to sum up San Francisco as a city. Was more just stating my feelings. A few weeks ago I was up there for a commercial shoot, which was really great, but I always try to make time for personal shooting as well. It’s a fun and relaxing way to learn more about the place you’re in.

Click here to see more of my street photography.

Street Photography - San Diego

Just heard that Gov. Newsom is shutting down the majority of indoor operations for California again, so the strange times continue! Can’t say it’s a surprise. Walking around here feels just like a normal summer with tourists anywhere and everywhere. Just when things felt like they were getting better. I have (as of now) quite a few commercial shoots on the horizon, but who knows how far this will push them back? One thing that hasn’t changed is my street photography. If nothing else, the shutdowns have given me the opportunity to explore neighboring towns with the camera to continue this series. All of the images below were made in Cardiff by the Sea.

Click here to see more from this series.