Rob Hammer Photography

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How To Skin A Mountain Lion

Mountain Lion Hunting - Colorado -Photography

I’m not here to debate the ethics of hunting. Whatever you believe is fine with me. What I am interested in is little slices of life that only occur in certain places, and this is a great example of that. Towards the tail end of a cross-country trip, while driving through western Colorado, I caught a small glimpse of the scene below and turned around to see what was actually happening. My first thought was they were cutting up a wolf because all I saw from the road was the tail. Turns out it’s a Mountain Lion. Where I’m from and where I live now, this kind of thing doesn’t happen. I spend a lot of time in the mountains, but have never been a hunter, so this life very intriguing to me. And the 3 people involved in the hunt were really nice about letting me hang out while they broke down their catch. Learning about different hunting techniques is fascinating, so I enjoyed hearing about how they used dogs to catch this lion and how they train the dogs to hunt. More surprising is that the lion apparently tastes good. Would like to try a piece at some point. Won’t go much farther than that as not to stir the pot.

To see more of my hunting photography click here