McKittrick Oil Field

A lot of people are under the impression that California is all sunny beaches, when really a great deal of it is made up of farms, desert, and desolate land like you see here at the McKittrick Oil Fields. To be honest, I had no idea that they even existed until stumbling on them a few weeks ago during a trip up to San Francisco for a commercial shoot. These images go into the “reaction” category, as this certainly wasn’t something I set out to photograph. Most of the images from my “America” series are that way. Although over time it’s become obvious that a factor which often attracts me is disruptions. This scene is a textbook example. The way these oil fields and all the equipment disrupt an otherwise natural and beautiful scene is shocking. It’s also a shame. Lot of money to made there though, so it’s not going to stop. Beyond the obvious things in the images though, scenes like this always make me curious about the lives of the people who work and live here.

To see more disruptions from my American series click here