Rob Hammer Photography

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Street Photography - NYC

New York City Photography

Brooklyn - Manhattan - Wall Art

Walking around New York City without making images is close to impossible. There is so much stimulation in every direction, especially when you’re main mode of transportation is the old leather express. A couple weeks ago I walked 55.5 miles in 4.5 days, mainly around Brooklyn with just a couple hours in Manhattan. The images you see below are certainly a total mash-up. There really is no theme to them. They are an after thought. Images made while focusing and looking for something totally different. I’m ok with it though, because just the act of walking around and shooting is rewarding enough, even if the images have no intended home. After all those mile of walking, I felt a solid connection to Brooklyn. It’s a massive place and I won’t make some absurd claim that I know it, but a connection was definitely made. Thoroughly enjoyed the trip and would jump at the opportunity to go right back. Being born an Up-State New Yorker, I was able to spend plenty of time in the city, but that was mostly to party or for Yankee games. So this trip was a great way to really explore on my own without any distractions. Lots more to come from this trip in the near future. Have a whole other pile of images that I shot for a client.