Rob Hammer Photography

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Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing

Owens River Fly Fishing - Mammoth, California

Fly Fishing Photography

Fly fishing is relaxing. That’s obvious. Everyone knows this. It’s also extremely difficult. Both of these facts are the reason why I love shooting it, because the relaxation and difficulty also apply to the photography. And it gives you a great excuse to hang out in some of the most beautiful locations. Seriously though, it’s hard. There are so many factors that go into finding the right place to shoot from in relation to the fisherman, which is constantly changing. Every time the fisherman moves, you have to move in order to get him into a place that will read in the frame. You can’t stop the flow of water, depth of the river, the light, weather, or if the fish are going to bite. There is that old saying that people jump at the chance to use about weather in the mountains that “if you don’t like the weather, wait ten minutes”. It’s true though. The weather and light are constantly changing, which means that the position you worked so hard to get into for a shot is good one minute and gone the next. You’re constantly having to reposition. I’m not complaining. More just thinking out loud about all the reasons why I love it. All of the variables are enticing and make it that much better when you get a shot that you’re really happy with. Screw sitting in a studio.

On another note, I’m really starting to loves the Eastern Sierra. So much of my time is spent in the mountains of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. And I consider them top notch, but the more time I spend in the Sierra, it becomes obvious how much they have to offer year round. I’ve been there quite a few times in the past month and am already itching to go back.

Click here to see more of my adventure photography.