Rob Hammer Photography

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Road Trip

One of my pet peeves is when people use the excuse of being “too busy”. They can’t do this or that because they are too busy. They can’t exercise because they “don’t have enough time”. Whatever it is, there’s an excuse. What people should say though, is that the particular thing you’re questioning them about “isn’t a priority”. That’s more accurate. Otherwise it’s just a bullshit excuse. I have so much work that’s been made over the past year+ that I’ve been meaning to post on the blog, but it hasn’t been a priority. Two posts down from this one is about an 8,000+ mile road trip I did and still haven’t posted about. Now I’m posting about another road trip, and who knows when I’ll get around to posting images from it? Another reason is because I’m trying to figure out the balance of posting/not posting images when they will be involved in something bigger than the blog. I’m currently working on a few book projects and would prefer to have a lot of the content fresh for the book releases. Is that wrong? Better to just post and get the imagery out there? Who knows. There is no right answer I suppose. Either way, my priorities have been in other places than the blog, but I’m trying to be better.